L5 Diploma in Practitioner Reflexology

Coopers Hill Therapies are proud to bring you the highest level of reflexology training and the only level 5 qualification in reflexology in Gloucestershire - all other schools only teach up to level 3. This Agored Cymru reflexology mastership qualification is nationally recognised and approved by the highest associations in the industry such as Association of Reflexologists and Federation of Holistic Therapists.
The REFLEXOLOGY MASTERSHIP is made up of theory and practical applications and assessments of the following units:
Reflexology skills in practice
Providing reflexology for specific conditions*
Incremental Development of Applied Reflexology Skills in Practice
Business Skills for Reflexology Practice
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology for Reflexology.
*Reflexology for specific conditions unit covers fertility and maternity reflexology, hand reflexology, and reflexology for cancer and palliative care.
Head over to our brand new training website for loads more information...


Coopers Hill is a proud founder partner in of the Integrated Reflexology Consortium (IRC). The IRC is a collaboration of the top reflexology training schools/establishments in England, offering the Level 5 Diploma in Practitioner Reflexology. for more information please click here.
Next Steps...
If you would like more information on this fantastic opportunity or would like to register your interest please call Harriet on 07969323917 or email harriet@coopershilltherapies.co.uk.
We look forward to seeing you soon!